Chess Graphics
by Justin Michael Jenkins
Artist Justin Michael Jenkins, an avid chess player, was inspired so much by the beauty, complexity, and geometric structures the game provides on countless levels, he decided to begin a journey into extracting the underlying laws and elements of the game into visual form based on his unique style of art. As he continued playing and becoming a better and stronger player, he reveled in the fascinating ideas that could be generated onto paper from this magnificent game. The artist states, "Besides the fact that I play chess religiously, these underlying foundations led me naturally to study and visually represent this game in my own unique style." According to the artist, this collection of work started from a dream interpretation where the artist had a vision of an explosive and repetitive structure of form as it blossomed from the board in a fictitious chess match against Bobby Fischer. His first work of art, "The Birth of a Strategy," was the beginning of this collection and came to him in his dream. The artist states, "All of a sudden the board took on a liquid like form as the pawn levitated above the board on many spheres." "The shapes and the culmination of the pawn rising and exploding was the growth of a tree like form from the top of the pawn as a bright yellow sky filled the background."
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